Thursday, 13 August 2015

TIMTS - A necessity to learn Digital Marketing

Who is going to deny that world has gone from analog to digital! I bet nobody. Why is that?
People are consuming more and more digital data everyday. Digital marketing is becoming a priority for all the major upcoming businesses. With more people connecting over the web with every passing day, the importance of digital marketing also increases manifold.

What is Digital marketing?
The key purpose of digital marketing is to promote brand and increase sales with the help of numerous digital marketing strategies techniques.

Why Digital Marketing:

-It’s Inexpensive nature:
The truth is traditional media advertisements cost a lot while digital media marketing is infinitely inexpensive and save on much budget.

-Wider range of Audience
While traditional marketing methodologies take up a very narrow range of audience reach, on the other hand,  Digital media methods offer a much wider approach to audience.

- Evaluation of Results:
Results can be well monitored and evaluated if a digital approach to marketing is used. In other traditional marketing, an extensive evaluation research measured the success of marketing campaigns.

-Benefits for customers-
Digital marketing  is not only beneficial for businesses but also for customers. Customers can directly approach the businesses.

To make a business successful, there are many techniques of digital marketing one needs to keep a check on:
- Branding strategy
-Digital media Marketing
-Search Engine Optimization
-Search Engine Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
-Direct Email marketing

With ever growing confrontation of businesses and customers on a single platform, Learning techniques that make a spacious place for a business in the minds and lives of people is also available on the web!
The internet keeps overflowing with online digital marketing course.
Learn Digital Marketing online at TIMTS . We offer a wide range of specializations under Digital marketing courses.
Objectives of the course:
- Provide students with unprecedented fusion of high quality and flexible education schedules.
- To facilitate students by providing them in-depth knowledge of the subject and provide them with multiple career firming options.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Online Classes - Graphic Designing at your doorstep

Lets come to think of the most iconic brands around us today. Now let us come to think of why are these brands so memorable.
Apple is the most widely used brand in the global market. The reason for it could be it’s simplistic designs, catchy white space, epic product photography. Adidas is also among the leading brands we have today. It uses bold imagery and different color schemes that reflect it’s full-of-life graphics.
So, what is Graphic Design?
Graphic Designing is the process of communicating the ideas and information through powerful visuals as to attract  large audiences and sort them to engage with the brand.
Graphic design is mostly the first step to impress the audience and help them gravitate. While good graphics can win audience’s trust and make the company credible, on the contrary, poor graphics can jeopardize the brand.
There are various tools that are used for graphic designing. Three, most important and most widely used of them are:


Software engineers Michael Bullion and Pat Biernne took the world by the storm when Corel first hired them in 1987 and they developed a vector-based illustration program which was released in 1989. It is used to edit two-dimensional pictures CorelDraw 1x and 2x ran under window 2x and 3.
The latest version is x7 which was released in March,2014.
CorelDraw X5 was released on 27 May, 1994. This was the last version that was working on windows 3.x.
CorelDraw X6 was released on August 24, 1995. This was the first version made for 32-bit window. Also, new features were introduced such as polygon, Customizable interface, spiral, knife and eraser tools. Corel Memo, Corel Presents, Corel Motion 3D, Corel Depth, Corel Multimedia Manager, Corel Font Master and Corel DREAM (for 3D modelling) were among other features that were included with this version.

Adobe Photoshop:
John Knoll and Thomas created photoshop in the year 1988. Not only were they the founders of the software but they also coined the term “photoshop” that was used in other contexts too.
It edits pictures in multiple layers that support masks, alpha compositing, several other models, spot color and duotone. Despite it’s pricing set very high, it stands alone in the league of photo-editing softwares Recommended by various professionals and popular with media executives, Photoshop rules the graphic designing market!

Adobe Indesign:
It was released on June 15, 2015. Adobe Indesign is a desktop publishing software produced by Adobe systems. It can be used to create books, brochures, newspapers, flyers, posters so on and so forth. The target audience of the software are graphic designers and production artists.

With online courses gaining fame and popularity not only among students but also working professionals, graphic design online learning is a feasible option for many in the industry. In such cut-throat competition in media and other graphic professional setups, lagging behind because of limited knowledge should be a big NO-NO.
The web is overflowing with the online Indesign, Photoshop and CorelDraw tutorials. Going for online Indesign training not only leads one to a successful career but also sorts out other branding problems that one may face individually
Not only with indesign but the internet also has sufficient tutorials for online photoshop learning.
We, at TIMTS, also provide online classes for photoshop.
Indesign and CorelDraw online courses are also available.  

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

AutoCAD : The 3D printing technology

Autocad developed by Autodesk inc. was first released in December, 1982 that ran on micrcomputers with internal graphic controllers.

It is a commercial software application for 2D and 3D computer-aided design (CAD).
AutoCAD is derived from another program called interact CAD which was written in proprietary language. This program is available in different languages such as english, french, german, italian, japanese, korean, russian, czech and a few more.

AutoCAD is the most widely used CAD program across the globe which is currently operating at it’s thirtieth generation.
The earlier generations of autoCAD used only primitive entities such as circles, polygons, arcs, lines and text to make complex objects. The modern version of software includes a set of tools that makes 3D and solid modelling an easy job for the user.

AutoCAD strives to make 3D printing easily accessible to businesses as well as to individuals. It is very easy to use and has tasted fame due to it’s unmatchable 2D and 3D drawings.
Not only AutoCAD tutorials are available but also AutoCAD online courses, AutoCAD online training are available for the people to learn and develop AutoCAD skills that are fairly easy to practice and modify within. 

With online and distance education gaining fame and popularity over the period of time, getting autoCAD tutorials online is not a difficult task anymore.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

TIMTS - Why HTML & Dreamweaver?

Technology is growing on an expeditious rates. It is hard to imagine how the world is going to shape up in the next coming years. So it becomes very important to start learning skills that are only going to benefit the person or the organisation.

Computers are quickly overtaking everything that surrounds us.

Much of the work we do is on computers with an inclination towards growing dependence on computers.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the standard mark-up language that is used to create websites. HTML describes the structure of a website semantically along with cues for presentation, making it a markup language, rather than a programming language.

One does not have to be geeky tech person to learn HTML
On a scale of 1 to 5, the difficulty level of HTML is 2.5. The thing that makes it harder is that there is much of it to be learnt.

One can start with HTML basics and take it further at their own pace.

Websites designs are very important component for the success of a business. With every piece of information and almost every person able to access the internet, the way a website looks leaves the seeker a few hints as to what the business is about.

Website design is a broad term that encompasses a wide variety of tasks, all involved in the formation of web pages.

Dreamweaver is a Abode’s software recommended by developers across the world. Dreamweaver supports a wide array of languages.This website maker allows you to add flash, video and audio, as well as animation and QuickTime.

Dreamweaver helps to create great looking websites Dreamweaver becomes a one-stop shop for all the requirements of building a website that leads to a successful business.

Learning Dreamweaver online is one chance that you should not miss out on.